Category Archives: Dating

How to spot lonely cheating wives

The funny thing about lonely cheating wives is that they look nowhere near their media portrayals. You know exactly what I’m talking about. You only need to check out that classic movie The Graduate, and check out Mrs. Robinson, to figure out what I’m talking about. There seems to be this great American mythology surrounding lonely cheating wives. On the one hand, they are either crazy and imbalanced or they are profoundly lonely.

The problem with all this is that there is a big divide between reality and what we see on TV and movie screens. The good news, if you want to look at it that way, is the fact that lonely cheating wives can be found everywhere. Seriously. The next time you go to the grocery store, just scan the horizon and I can guarantee you almost all the women there who are married can become lonely cheating wives. This is the key fact that too many guys looking for adultery action completely miss out on. They think that there is a certain profile that these women have to stick to. They think that there’s some sort of stereotypical set of character traits that describe these women. Sadly, this is the reason why they fail and fail again to hook up.

You have to remember that any married woman can be a cheating wife if certain circumstances are in place. It seems like there are just many different moving parts in any persons life and if you put all these parts in the right slots at the right time, they can turn into certain people that do certain behaviors. This applies to all aspects of our lives and this is why it really makes me want to laugh that guys think that women who do certain things have to look a certain way. This can apply to anybody. The faster you get that idea out of your head, the more successful you would be in getting married pussy on